This is the legal page of Felix Infintum.
Felix Infintum (“FelixInfintum” or “Felics”) creates content and is this content is subjected to copyright.
When you want to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such content in any form, format, media or media channels, you should ask for a written permission from the owner of the original content (hereby “Felix Infintum”, “FelixInfintum” or “Felics”).
On Twitch (and associated websites and services) users generate content known as User Content. This content is owned by the user, the user has the full rights of this content. When you want to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such User Content in any form, format, media or media channels, you should ask for a written permission from the owner of this User Content.
This also includes Clips (small audio-visual works of streamed/published content) made by users from content streamed/published on When you want to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such Clips in any form, format, media or media channels, you should ask for a written permission from the owner of the original content (hereby “Felix Infintum”, “FelixInfintum” or “Felics”).
The Minecraft server might bite. Felix Infintum (“FelixInfintum” or “Felics”) is not responsible or liable for any damage that is caused by the Minecraft server. Treat with caution!
Last modified: 29th of April 2019